

Prakash, A., Bruce, A., MacGill, I., 2022. Insights on designing effective and efficient frequency control arrangements from the Australian National Electricity Market. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161, 112303 (2022). link

Prakash, A., Ashby, R., Bruce, A., MacGill, I., 2023. Quantifying reserve capabilities for designing flexible electricity markets: An Australian case study with increasing penetrations of renewables. Energy Policy 177, 113551 (2023). link

Prakash, A., Bruce, A. & MacGill, I. NEMSEER: A Python package for downloading and handling historical National Electricity Market forecast data produced by the Australian Energy Market Operator. Journal of Open Source Software 8, 5883 (2023). link

Prakash, A., Bruce, A. & MacGill, I. The scheduling role of future pricing information in electricity markets with rising deployments of energy storage: An Australian National Electricity Market case study. Energy Economics 142, 108191 (2025). link

Adams, S. & Prakash, A. Climate change adaptation in the Australian electricity sector and the lure of resilience thinking. Energy Research & Social Science 118, 103755 (2024). link

Policy submissions

Prakash, A., Keeratimahat, K., Bruce, A., Macgill, I., 2020. Submission to the Semi scheduled generator rule change(s) Issues paper. UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets. link

MacGill, I., Prakash, A., Bruce, A., 2020. Response to the Energy Security Board’s Post 2025 Market Design Consultation Paper. UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets. link

Prakash, A., Macgill, I., Bruce, A., 2021. Response to Frequency control rule changes directions paper. UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets. link

Prakash, A., Gorman, N., MacGill, I., Bruce, A., 2021. Response to Reserve Services in the National Electricity Market Directions Paper. UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets. link

Prakash, A., Ashby, R., Keeratimahat, K., Bruce, A., MacGill, I., 2021. UNSW CEEM Response to Post 2025 Market Design Options Paper. UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets. link

Prakash, A., Nicholls, A., Heim, D., Bruce, A., Macgill, I., 2022. Response to Capacity Mechanism Project High-level Design Paper. UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets. link